
Saturday, February 4

What's With All The кирилиця?

I've got more pings from where they use it. I could make a lot of assumptions about why ... but it's way more fun just to leave it floating out there for your consideration.

I've got two DRAFT:WIPs to work on today, and need to tighten up the playlist page. (btw: Чи не Google перевести вибух!?)

Also, consider this:
The recurrence of certain “life raft” words, often used ungrammatically or in extremely awkward ways–translate, mission, excellence, measure, outcome–suggests that Brinker was provided with talking points that were supposed to function as a magic switch. But she couldn’t actually make the switch happen in English, so she fell back on the words, as if brute repetition of the words could summon the magic, which of course wasn’t magical at all but simply the substitution of cheery or harmless talking points for what was actually happening outside the studio.

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