
Sunday, January 29

American Exceptional
From the linked article at Will Bunch's Attytood
The [Oakland Police Department] is facing receivership based on actions by police in the past, and they have apparently learned nothing since October. On October 25, Occupiers rushed to the aid of Scott Olsen who was shot in the head by police, and the good Samaritans who rushed to his aid had a grenade thrown at them by police. At 3:30pm this afternoon, OO medics yet again ran to the aid of injured protesters lying on the ground. Other occupiers ran forward and used shields to protect the medic and injured man. The police then repeatedly fired less lethal rounds at these people trying to protect and help an injured man.

Nuremberg. Defense. Anyone?

Who are you gonna believe? Some police department/media flack? Or your own. Lying. Eyes.

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