
Tuesday, March 6

Most Profitable “Industry” In America

It's not that I have anything against Humana, per se, but leveraging the profit motive off of health care seems antithetical to the implied mission. Do people become doctors, or hospital administrators, or insurance company executives because they want to help
Columbia Journalism
Rocket Internet,
Gas Taxes,
The Price of Health Care
those who find themselves in physical distress or because it's an obscenely lucrative and captive market?

CJR's The Audit starts with industrial strength German intellectual-property Internet thieves, rolls by the gasoline tax, and falls into health care spending. A chain of disparate items I would never have assembled, but enjoy entertaining now that they've pointed it out.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Perhaps, but I'm an avowed agnostic, so ... what do I know?

Data is not information and wisdom is something yet further refined and derived. How much does this "American Way Of Life" actually cost, anyway?

Cui bono?

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