
Sunday, March 4

Now For Something Completely Different

And Antidotal To The Previous Post

Passionate Intelligence from "The Other Side"

I knew there were women worth talking to. I just never run into them, and having given up on the hope of finding companionship in kindred spirits – to say nothing of amore – am overwhelmed by the existence of something completely different. The root causes for the almost comical battle between the sexes are delusional misapprehensions of the complementary reality of men and women. The fight is enjoined by those wishing to preserve the unrealistic arcana of male prerogative and those wishing to abrogate the fundamental nature of their gender. There's no escaping ovaries ... mine just happen to be external.

The only votes that truly count are the ones made with time and money. Since Buddha pointed out how we create the world with our thoughts, it is all the more so with what we buy in a world of mass marketing. Our purchases and our attention induce self-reinforcing commercial propagation throughout the culture, so I can only assume that the mordant trashiness now resplendent in America is in direct proportion to the actual desires of its inhabitants. If people didn't enjoy the unreconstructed garbage they consume then there wouldn't be so much of it. If misogyny wasn't acceptable it simply would not be tolerated.

None should be surprised to find that much of the success of "Mad Men" derives from fulfilling a retrograde voyeurism for an age never to return and one not so distant that witnesses living today can't or won't testify to the more unseemly and repressive aspects of that period. Is the target audience reveling in their own more enlightened world-view than the one portrayed, or are they – in some darkly subterranean psychology – vicariously experiencing the lost world of their fathers? Of course it's one of the best shows on television. In every sense of the allusion and illusion: that's the overarching theme of this “Banana Republic.” I no longer watch television, so it's no longer my problem. It does, however, remain a passing consideration, one of my many cognitive kidney stones. 

Relieving myself of these metaphysical, lithic encumbrances will be much enabled and made brighter by quarrying the counter-intelligence provided through The Desire Project. They're engaging this conversation – an exchange women desperately want and an understanding men unfailingly need –  in a manner that allows for Fantasy Football Leagues and the cultural petri dish in which it grows. Lab coats optional and subject to personal preference.

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